Weight Loss and Colon Cleanse for Your Whole Body

 Weight Loss and Colon Cleanse for Your Whole Body

Would a colon cleanse be something you’re interested in? One of the most effective ways to detox your body is to maintain a healthy gut. Toxins and pollutants that enter our systems eventually reach the colon. The body makes an effort to flush out these waste products, but it frequently fails. As time goes on, these pollutants accumulate to dangerous levels, taxing the body’s other inherent systems to their breaking point. Many diseases and other health problems can develop if this is not addressed. This is why a colon cleanse should be performed periodically.

The “Master Colon Cleanse,” sometimes called the lemonade diet, is a bodily detox program that has gained a lot of popularity. A pioneer in alternative medicine, Stanley Burroughs created this curriculum over half a century ago.

The recommended duration for this colon cleanse therapy is 10 days. While you are on the cleanse, you are only allowed to drink the special lemonade and refrain from eating anything else. Following is a recipe that, when made into a gallon, requires ten servings daily:

The zest and juice of five lemons

Grade B organic maple syrup, measuring 1 and 1/4 cups

One teaspoon of cayenne pepper and ten glasses of water.

To make the drink that will help you through the body colon cleanse program, just shake or stir the ingredients. To modify the flavor, you can use lime juice instead of lemon juice; otherwise, keep everything else the same.

On top of everything else, the Master Cleanse recommends starting each day with a quart of lukewarm water mixed with 2 tablespoons of uniodized sea salt and ending with a herbal laxative tea (available at most grocery stores) before going to bed.

Before you start this diet, you should be prepared to go to the bathroom frequently. It is not a good idea to undertake the body colon cleanse if you are going on a trip or won’t have access to restrooms at your leisure. It stands to reason that when you cleanse the colon, all that waste material needs a place to go.

While undergoing the master cleanse, you can also feel a little under the weather. This is no reason to abandon the diet. Toxins are being released into your bloodstream, and it’s not uncommon for people to feel a bit under the weather when this happens. Having said that, you should expect to experience much less sickness going forward when you complete the cleanse.

Rinse off the cleanse every six months for optimal results. The severity of the negative effects decreases with each subsequent round of consistent cleansing.

No, the colon cleansing program is not a meal plan. Losing 8–15 pounds is a nice bonus, but the real reason to undertake it is to rid your body of harmful poisons. Upon completing the cleanse, you may discover that you regain part of the weight you lost.

The body colon cleanse is an effective method for eliminating harmful substances from the body.

TAGS: detoxification of the body 

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