Metabolic Rate vs.

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 Metabolic Rate vs.

The fact that 3,500 calories is roughly equivalent to one pound of body weight is probably well known to you. Put simply, for every 3,500 calories you burn, you will shed one pound, and for every 3,500 calories you consume, you will gain one pound. Using a calories burned counter on a regular basis is an important part of any weight loss program.

After a week, you’ll see that 3,500 calories breaks down to a perfectly even 500 calories per day. What you eat and how much exercise you get are the only two things you can do to directly affect your calorie intake. Although it’s not quite as straightforward to directly control, your metabolism does play a role. Alright, then. Diet and exercise it is.

You may keep track of the number of calories you burn while doing any exercise by using a calorie counter. In your quest to shed those extra pounds, this is essential knowledge. Staying on track and motivated can be achieved by keeping track of the calories you expend. When you know you’re burning calories, you can tell yourself that noticeable benefits are on the way, even if you don’t always see them in the mirror right away.

A standard calorie counter that lists the calorie content of common foods is also a good investment for a more complete perspective. By tracking your caloric intake and expenditure in this way, you can maintain a healthy weight.

The general consensus among health professionals is that shedding 1-2 pounds weekly is both safe and effective because it allows you to shed the weight and keep it off. With your calorie counters in hand, set a daily goal of 500 to 1,000 calories to lose. There is no need to deprive yourself of food or overexert yourself physically; rest assured. Actually, it’s completely wrong.

When trying to lose weight, a healthy diet and regular exercise are your best bets. So, you can lose one pound every week by cutting your caloric intake by 250 and increasing your energy expenditure by 250. Reduce your caloric intake by 500 calories and increase your energy expenditure by 500 calories per day to lose two pounds weekly.

One caveat: a calories burnt counter is only useful if you actually use it. Nothing will benefit you from it if you never verify it. But when you do use it, you’ll have access to yet another potent weapon for weight loss. Then why are you hesitating? Everything is within your reach! Keeping track of your caloric intake and expenditure is all that’s needed. 

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